March 2013

This is one of the pieces that is being exhibited at Fried as part of their Autumn Show. Title You Say Potato - Part I.

Well got back from the trip down to Cape Town OK. I have been back now for over a week and I don't think that  I have recovered yet. Part of the problem is that there hasn't been a moment to just sit down and relax. So the trip to Cape Town? Well there was a stop over in Beafort West with no sleep, a pleasant drive, an irritating hanging system, strange beds, my first visit to a spur in I don't know how long, plenty of fish and chips, a quick glance up to the mountain, 2 minutes on the beach, a stop over in Richmond which was a pleasant surprise, roadworks and a forgotten jar of coffee. Would I do it again? Yes, as long as I could spend a bit more time on the beach.

Oh and the face is looking ok.