January 2018

Nazeer Sonday

Nazeer Sonday

3rd: Some time before the end of last year I asked Nazeer Sonday if I could include him in my portrait show that will be opening in May. Nazeer has been campaigning against the development of the Phillippi Horticulture Area. Nazeer took us on a tour that proved to be a real eye opener.

I know that for some South Africans, Cape Town and it's DA led local government is something to be envious of. Unfortunately the more one learns about what is going on and how they operate, you realise, with the bar been set so low by the ANC, the DA have hardly much to crow about. It doesn't require much to be better than the ANC. While it is true to say that they are probably doing a better job than the ANC could do, I would say that the margin of difference between the two is no where near as large as people imagine it to be.

Enough griping. The pic is a detail shot from the portrait that I have created of Nazeer. It has just been pulled from the wash bath so if you are wondering what those streak marks are, it is water running off of the paper.