December 2011

24th: Wouldn't you just believe it. Yes after much research, many phone calls, loads of driving about I finally decided to be done with it and buy a safe light globe (light bulb). Yes, it was blooming expensive. Yes, I did nearly faint as the kind lady with the sweet smile banged the precious little box on the counter with enough force so that you could hear the glass of the globe clinking against the thin membrane of the cardboard box. Yes, I managed to keep the smile on my face whilst forcing back the urge to say 'What the !#*%?, are you bloody stupid, you could have broken the filament banging the globe down like that'. I kept smiling as I handed over the cash whilst all the while thinking to myself, 'please don't be broken, please don't be broken, please don't be broken'. Thankfully it is not but......two days later, rummaging around a hospice shop, what do I find?

Yes!!!!! It is cracked near the top. For some reason the power lead is less than a foot long but it works. Finally I am back in business. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ..........

Christmas Tree Update: A couple of years ago I made a tree put of offcuts from another project, the geosic dome camera obscura.....well he tree received a facelift this year and is looking funkier than ever.

13th: Drum Roll please.....Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you my very own safe light. As you can see I have used a fetching piece of yellow plastic which gives a woderful urea glow to everything that it illuminates. The question I am sure that you are all dying to ask is does it work well.....

....the light looks nice, in a rough made for a job and not to make anything look nice kind if a way. The reality is that as a safe light go it is pretty useless (see below). Piece of paper on he left was the control and was thrown straight into the developer after been taken from the packet. Piece of paper on the right was left in the dark room with the safe light for ten minutes before being thrown into the developer. It just didn't work.