September 2012

29th:  Oh Lisa Lisa.... Sad Lisa Lisa. I was given a poster for an Art Exhibition dated from I don't know when. I decided to photograph it and here is the result.

Together We Can: 15th September; we went up to Jeppes Town in Joburg to put up my Shack. A chance meeting Julie Lovelace inspired the decision to put it up. It had been sitting in my backyard for the last couple of years, and well the time had come to do something about it. So early on a rainy morning under the Joe Slovo flyover up it went. The weather was miserable, communications got mixed up, street names were misread, nerves got frayed but it went.

Here is Julies piece next to the front door of the shack.

Together We Can: 21st September; Six days and six hours later was the first time that I was able to go and see how the shack was doing. The news was not good. The only evidence of the shack having ever been was the footprint of Julies porcelain piece, and that too was gone.

9th: The end is Nigh! The shame of it, how can things come to this? Surely things can't get worse than
this - not to be selected for the Thami Mnyele Fine Art Awards!!! I have just about recovered from the shock, luckily there were paramedics on hand to administer CPR other wise who knows how things would have ended. So anyway once I have finished convalescing I shall be stomping off after Gordon and Jenna to find out why they both suffered from a mental seizure on the same day. To top off the whole farce their was a green sticker on my work which denoted selection for everyone else but me!!! Scandal I say....a bloody scandal. You can see it for yourself, its there.

6th: So how did the Opening of New Signatures go? All things considered pretty well. Arrived in time to miss the opening speeches but not to miss the winners being announced. Fantastic. And the winners? I think the best thing about this years show was the fact that the winner was.......older.....not a senior citizen but someone in their late forties. Which is great as it means that I have another ten years in which to carry on trying to win. That's great....

Work for the shows I am taking part in is going alright. I am assuming the printers have been able to print my prints for the Radiant Exposure exhibition which is happening at Cameo Framers. The image below is one of the pics that  am going to have on show. My work for Me 2 which is happening at Fried is going alright. I am almost finished with my Kaleidoscopes for the Erotica show which is also happening at Cameo Framers.