23rd July: drumdedum dum de dum dah dum with that rather laboured trumpting I am glad to announce that for this years Sasol New Signatures I managed to gain the thumbs up from the judges. Well ok one of my works did, the other not. Which is ok, I am cool with that. To be honest my second piece still needs a bit of work on it to sort it out so it was no disappointment that it didn't get through for the final show.

21st July: Wow so a couple of months have almost flown. Had a hectic time in the UK before rushing headlong into trying to organise for this years Sasol New Signatures. I am not so confident of getting in. Part of the problem was that I was still in the process of working out what to do. I had put up an installation which I wasn't to sure of how to get the best out of it. Stick ot twist or just completely loose the plot knowing that the deadline was coming, rushing at me faster than a well oiled eel sliding down a teflon coated ski ramp. Scccchhhhlaaaaap. So yes I am left with the old I should have, could have, didn't do that scenario and we wait. It's just two days to go now before I hear anything.