Sasol New Signatures 2016 Entry
29th June: Another year another Sasol! That makes it six on the bounce. Almost had a complete and utter disaster on my hands but luckily things turned out alright in the end. Ok so the pic up above does not look like much, but most of the work is in the little books that are sat on the plinths. These are mindfulness colouring books with a twist.
Copper Plate being prepared.
2nd: Last week I finished off my internship at
Warren Editions. With all that I had hoped to do it was over with a bit too soon. But hopefully I am going to be able to use the studio on an ongoing basis. I am really keen to master the photo gravure printing process. But seeing how difficult it is to prepare a plate, I guess for the moment I will just have to be happy with getting it right. The polishing of the plates is in itself a tricky process. If you get tiny, unwanted scratches at any stage of the process, you are looking at starting all over again. A task that I think that if the Greek Gods were really looking to punish Sisyphus, they would have chosen this one. Pushing a rock up a mountain only to see it roll back down, and repeat for eternity? Easy. Prepare a plate for photogravura, it's going to drive up the wall.