Dome Update: Well the brackets are going on. About half way there. that just leaves the, and the, and then there is the.
Yes thats a pair of converse there in the front.

24th: Nothing spectacular, just a trolley to move Magnum about on. Decided its about time to get him going. Got an exhibition coming up in two weeks time and I really need to get my arse into gear. In normal circumstances it would be enough time but with every spare moment been focused on the dome, its not. Then there are all the other things in life that need taking care of.
Dome Update: Well I am almost finished with putting together the wooden frames for the tubes. Then it is the finishing touches for the tubes, cutting and fitting the tracing paper and then fitting of the joining plates. At times it feels like its not that much at all to do but then there are other moments when its more like what the fook am I doing?
14th: Had a frustrating and fractured couple of weeks with progress being almost non existant with the dome. Got sucked into a world of chaos as I helped out at a friends guest house. But after a few days back in the studio and focused, attention things are looking like they are getting back on track.
Here is my first attempt at trying to connect the pieces of the dome together. Just for conveniences sake I didn't put the tubes in. As a temporary measure I have used hinges to join the shapes. In the long term I am thinking of using steel plates which should be stronger. I did get a quote for hinges but soon binned that idea when I received found how much it was going to cost.
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