April 2012

23rd: This is a pic I took of the Voortrekker Monument last year, I was going to say November but it turns out it was April last year. Wow. Anyway Adele an Interior designer has bought it from me. Which was nice. It got me thinking though. You make something that is viewed as magical. You then sell it which is a real bonus and in it's own way is just as magical, and then you end up using the money for something completely mundane such as paying the lights and water bill or the rent. Gordon Froud though has a great way of ensuring the magic continues. With the sales he makes he tries to buy another piece of work. How fantastic is that.

12th: These are the results of a process that only be described as genius. How did I achieve this: First I dropped all my test strips on the floor. I made sure that they fell into a liquid that I wasn't too certain about. I picked them up, shrugged my shoulders and thens stuffed them up my jumper and walked outside. I stood in the sun for a couple of minutes and then processed them. Developed, washed them, felt pleased with the results, put the strips back into the developer, switched on the light before walking out the door before returning after 20 minutes..........Amazing the resuls that can be achieved.

I am glad though I didn't make the same processing mistake with the pic that I took with Chantall. Have posted a pick of Chantall in front of her muse for the day, Cheugnette, a steam train which is run and looked after by FOTR (Friends of the Rail).

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