November 2013

Wow this is worse than having to wait for Christmas day when you were a kid! Last week a got a couple from the organizers of the PPC Young Sculptors show asking me to come along to the pre opening media dance as I have made it into the top seven. As ever when one gets a phone call from Nandi you are not sure what she is going to say. She has perfected the art the dead pan phone call. Only problem is that your immediate thought on hearing hear voice is 'Oh shit, is there a problem'.

OK, from what I can see the prizes are split up as follows:

Fine Art Catergory: A first prize, a runner up prize and the two runners up = 4
Functional Art Catergory: A first prize =1
Peoples favorite, for which the voting closed yesterday =1

So that's six which makes the seventh a mystery. So my amazing powers of deduction make me think well...... I have either won the Functional prize or maybe the mystery seventh prize. Hopefully the mystery prize is not going to follow the story line of Martin's Marvellous Mini when after entering a hill climb race and driving up the hill in reverse, Martin and his co driver won a first prize of a hundred pounds of ....... spuds. Ba boom

Going back to my process of deduction ....I can't have won anything else as a: I didn't enter the Fine Art catergory and b: the voting for the people's prize had not been finished before I was notified. 

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