December 2012

 14th: Never mind all the who har about the Myan calendar says, you know that the world is coming to an end when a: the membrames of both the yolks of the eggs that you are frying break meaning that you lose that lovely perfect round bit of sunshine in the middle of the snowy white fields b: you forget to check that your flaxh card is in your camera and only notice ten minutes later after the moment has passed. Yes the end of the world is upon us.

Before that happens though I shall be making one of these for myself........

It's a camera obscura. This one I made for Hardus.

November 2012

30th: Drum Roll please........Intoto just sold another pic - Wabenza - my entry to Absa L'atelier from..............2009. Yes i know that I am getting older. Yes I know that I should be getting used to getting to the idea of selling the odd piece here and there. I tell you what though, it is still cool to know that someone out there is spending their ill begotten gains on things that I do just because I want to see what will happen if I ........ How awsome is that?

Trying to find a link to it but nothing. Hope I documented it. In the mean time here is something else to occupy your time with, if you look closely you will just about see that the level is indeed level the picture is just off kilter.

September 2012

29th:  Oh Lisa Lisa.... Sad Lisa Lisa. I was given a poster for an Art Exhibition dated from I don't know when. I decided to photograph it and here is the result.

Together We Can: 15th September; we went up to Jeppes Town in Joburg to put up my Shack. A chance meeting Julie Lovelace inspired the decision to put it up. It had been sitting in my backyard for the last couple of years, and well the time had come to do something about it. So early on a rainy morning under the Joe Slovo flyover up it went. The weather was miserable, communications got mixed up, street names were misread, nerves got frayed but it went.

Here is Julies piece next to the front door of the shack.

Together We Can: 21st September; Six days and six hours later was the first time that I was able to go and see how the shack was doing. The news was not good. The only evidence of the shack having ever been was the footprint of Julies porcelain piece, and that too was gone.

9th: The end is Nigh! The shame of it, how can things come to this? Surely things can't get worse than
this - not to be selected for the Thami Mnyele Fine Art Awards!!! I have just about recovered from the shock, luckily there were paramedics on hand to administer CPR other wise who knows how things would have ended. So anyway once I have finished convalescing I shall be stomping off after Gordon and Jenna to find out why they both suffered from a mental seizure on the same day. To top off the whole farce their was a green sticker on my work which denoted selection for everyone else but me!!! Scandal I say....a bloody scandal. You can see it for yourself, its there.

6th: So how did the Opening of New Signatures go? All things considered pretty well. Arrived in time to miss the opening speeches but not to miss the winners being announced. Fantastic. And the winners? I think the best thing about this years show was the fact that the winner was.......older.....not a senior citizen but someone in their late forties. Which is great as it means that I have another ten years in which to carry on trying to win. That's great....

Work for the shows I am taking part in is going alright. I am assuming the printers have been able to print my prints for the Radiant Exposure exhibition which is happening at Cameo Framers. The image below is one of the pics that  am going to have on show. My work for Me 2 which is happening at Fried is going alright. I am almost finished with my Kaleidoscopes for the Erotica show which is also happening at Cameo Framers.

August 2012

Optimism tempered by realism and an empty pocket leads to unoccupied plinths and half made moulds. Oh well... at least I got most of the bits that I was going to use for my entry to PPC. Next year. As for the Thami Mnyeli Open? well entered something, its just not what I wanted to enter, thus the empty plinth.

So whats coming up? In no particular order...ME II opening on the 15th at Fried; Photographic Exhibition at the Trent Gallery  opening on the 8th September and then an Erotica show opening sometime in September, also at the Trent Gallery. Not sure when though.

Ho hum thus ends the entry for a rather glum month...mind you there is the opening for Sasol on the 29th so you never know...

July 2012

11th: So it is time for Sasol New Signatures again. Entered two pieces into the competition and both got in. So it seems that three is not the magic number after all, or is it? Lets see the year is 2012. Multiply two by zero, add one and two 2 and there you have three. Also last year my one entry got in and this year my two got in. Yes yes I know that makes three. So going on this evidence I would say that without doubt that three is the magic number.

This is almost a repeat of last year where I was stuck without transport for the day. No transport + unselected pieces being left at the submission point = annoyed Nandi.

Here are the bits of waffle that I put with my entries:

Die Oubaas: someone who is senior in terms of rank or age. A term that has connotations of the period of apartheid when the whites ruled and the blacks served. A term that can now be said, with its links to the past, to have negative undertones. entries

In Die Oubaas I wanted to explore the question of just how white people are perceived in the ‘Rainbow Nation’. They arrived on the continent with a technological advantage and proceeded to try and mould what they found to serve their wants. Over centuries they gained control. They knew what was best and how it should be done.

Then gradually, one by one, nations controlled by the recently arrived minorities were let go. In the case of South Africa this was 18 years ago but yet there remains a notion that the Whites are still in control, that they are living off the hard work of the black majority. Just recently Zuma stated that, “The ownership of the economy is still primarily in the hands of white males as it has always been”. This quote came just as I was putting together some of the basic traits for my white people in the ‘Oubaas’ series. A list of stereotypes ranging from the mild to the extreme, each containing just enough truth to reveal a certain resentment. A disquiet that all too often white people ignore because they know what is best and they are right. They are the Oubaas.

Man met Zonnebloemen: At the top of the road that I live in there is a field. Every year in April sunflowers flourish here. As if by magic they sprout up and slowly grow until the whole field is full of tall yellow blooms following the sun. The only sign of human intervention is a hosepipe snaking across the road. The source a tap in a garden of a home. The owner, a foul mouthed drunk with, it would appear, a penchant for beauty. The one and only time I’ve seen him he was completely lost in his ranting, the use of a hooter by a delivery man having launched him into a hyper critical diatribe.

I set up my camera to take a self portrait. As I stood in the field amidst all the splendor, a vague sense of unease haunted me. Though in an open field I was an intruder standing amidst the fruits of another’s labor. This other being in possession of a rage that I feared confronting. A rage that even all the cheery yellow of the flowers could not soothe. Fortunately I remained undisturbed and was left with the incongruity of such beauty being born out of the hands of such fury

June 2012

12th: Things are really starting to get busy and I am wondering where I am going to find the time. Been asked to be in a group show at Fried Contemporary this September. Then there is another group show at Cameo Framers. There is also the PPC Sculpture awards that I want to enter as well a Sasol New Signatures - oh wow just checked the entry date - only got three weeks to sort my entry out! Deadline is the 3rd/4th July. Mmmm - yes I thought that I had a bit longer than that. Trying not to panic trying not to panic trying not to panic trying not to panic trying not to panic.....

In the mean time here is a snap shot of my photos (the less blury ones) that were part of the Minatures exhibition at Art Lovers 1932. They sold which was nice.

May 2012

9th May: Sometimes you get involved in something and find yourself what am I doing here? Well in my case it was why have you submitted this? This is not the right place. This was the case for me yesterday. I had been asked by 'Art with a Heart' to donate some work for a charity event. I was happy to do so and without thinking about who the potential audience may be I dropped some prints off. It was only when I went to help out did I find out that what I had submitted might not have been appropriate for the event (later proved by the fact none of the images had sold). Yes yes I hear you saying but how is that possible? At R500 a pop they would have been a steal but but but.... I guess next time I will find out what works for them and see if I can dig out somethig that may sell. But then sometimes you really don't know.

April 2012

23rd: This is a pic I took of the Voortrekker Monument last year, I was going to say November but it turns out it was April last year. Wow. Anyway Adele an Interior designer has bought it from me. Which was nice. It got me thinking though. You make something that is viewed as magical. You then sell it which is a real bonus and in it's own way is just as magical, and then you end up using the money for something completely mundane such as paying the lights and water bill or the rent. Gordon Froud though has a great way of ensuring the magic continues. With the sales he makes he tries to buy another piece of work. How fantastic is that.

12th: These are the results of a process that only be described as genius. How did I achieve this: First I dropped all my test strips on the floor. I made sure that they fell into a liquid that I wasn't too certain about. I picked them up, shrugged my shoulders and thens stuffed them up my jumper and walked outside. I stood in the sun for a couple of minutes and then processed them. Developed, washed them, felt pleased with the results, put the strips back into the developer, switched on the light before walking out the door before returning after 20 minutes..........Amazing the resuls that can be achieved.

I am glad though I didn't make the same processing mistake with the pic that I took with Chantall. Have posted a pick of Chantall in front of her muse for the day, Cheugnette, a steam train which is run and looked after by FOTR (Friends of the Rail).

March 2012

23rd: Well I have been plodding along with the Ou Bass series of mine. I have reached half the number of lucky victims that I need. Only another sixteen to go and then I can lay it all out and get it printed. Should be ready in time for Sasol New Signatures.

Other news, Brendan Copestake from Artright has invited to show some of my work in his new space at AOM. This will happening towards the ned of the year. And then there is the Miniatures Group Show at Art Lovers, 1932 Long Street Pretoria. Opening is the end of May. Exaxt date to be confirmed.

How's this for a bit of irony. One of my photographs has been used in an article on people not paying their suppliers. I only found out about this when my client (who was the focus of the article) phoned me to ask me if I was aware that one of my images had been used in a newspaper. I had had no idea. The editor of the newspaper in question only phoned me a month or so after the article had been published and started waffling some excuse of deadlines and whadah whadah whadah more work blah blah blah. The fact is mate you threw mud at a client of mine for not paying their suppliers and had no intention of paying me for my work. Hypocrite.

So whats new? Still plodding on with my Ou bass series, and then I am also making another plan chest. This one is for Rene Gosselin

February 2012

20th: Well I am progressing steadily with my 'Die Ou Baas' series. I have changed some of the design elements; the flag at the top and the little logo which will be used on the back of the cards and which is on the title card. I am collecting volunteers slowly but surely. Unfortunately the little camera that I was using got stolen last week so I have lost some of my people. This new year has been a bit of a disaster in terms of equipment. Monitor gave up, parts for sander taking ages to arrive, mitre saw stopped working (hopefully its just the switch), both drills stopped working - (thankfully both still under warranty), camera stolen ( thankfully only little pocket digital). It's making me wonder if I should just try and flog off everything else I own before those things pack up to.

At least there has been some good news. Elfriede from Fried Contemporary has invited me to take part in an exhibition later this year, which is cool and something to work towards.

6th: Here is the first peek at work on my follow up to my Swart Gevaar piece. I am calling it Die Ou Baas. The thoughts that I am having so far are that I may change the chequered flag at the top to the old (apartheid era) South African flag. This will mean that I will have to change the little circle logo; perhaps use an image of an ox wagon; the voortrekker monument; or a pic of a white bloke dressed in kaki's, sitting in their bakkie, reading their paper, checking his watch to see how long it has been since he last shouted out to his workers 'Oi k......' before getting up to show them how a white man can work before he suddenly realises that it actually is blarry hot in the sun, and he had better get back into his bakkie and turn the aircon on. A little difficult to synthesise into one little image but that should go down a treat.

5th: You Joking Me....And so the new year continues to thunder along. Right now my beloved monitor is giving up the ghost, oh joy. And no, (although the picture below suggests otherwise), it is not because I have a dead frog sitting on top of it. I have had him electromagnetically tested and I can assure you that he has not affect upon it at all.  Its not the cables. I tested those too. It is not the graphics card as I tested the monitor on a different PC. Mind you the problem did only start once I placed Geoff on top of the monitor.

So during the moments of the monitor being ok I am trying soldier on. I have finally started with my follow up to my Swart Gevaar piece. Will post pics of that as soon as I have something to show.

January 2012

16th: Here is a little something that I did on the weekend. It involved laying underneath Chantal while I roasted in the sun. It is titled 'If Pigs Could....' Nope, for all my efforts you cannot see me but check out the pigs.

12th: Phew - Is it hot again? Yes - if temperatures stay this hot I reckon that I am going to reverse millions of years of evolution and as I slowly turn in to primordial soup. Yip I know I should just stop the whining.

So what am I doing for this years Artists Associations annual members show? Well I have taken some of the duds from my shots from Chantal and hung them from a mini black board which has some musings of a mythical beasty.

4th: Well I have taken a few shots with......yes I have to give her a name...hmmmmm think I will name her Chantal. No reason other than it was the first name that popped into my head. So anyway took my first shot with Chantal and I have to admit that it didn't go well. I was able to use her slideable shutter to stagger the exposure. Half way through the sequence though it started to bucket it down. So I had to move her into the garage to continue. The first image suggested that the exposures were going to have to be in the region of 20 or so minutes. The results from the next few shots revealed that I would have to take out all the lenses and resanding them to make them that much bigger. So anyway here is the first test shot.